Noticing With Natalie

Gifts from the depths, edges, and unknowns - ready to come out of the hermit cave and share what you discovered?

Natalie Ross Season 2 Episode 4

This episode is for people who have traversed many landscapes, heights, and depths...

...and they now feel called to come out of their hermit caves, to share their stories, connect with others, and offer their skills to those who may benefit from what they've learned.

I'm noticing a wave of folks hearing this call.

Connect With Natalie:

Listen to my other podcast about connecting with nature and intuition:
Earth Speak with Natalie Ross and Friends

Speaker 1:

Lately, I've been noticing that there's a wave of people who have very powerful messages, skills and gifts to share, who are guided by a deep sense of devotion and purpose, who have been to the depths of the shadows and who have been to the heights of the cosmos, who have needed perhaps years, decades of doing inner work and perhaps being a little bit more reclusive or secluded or away from needing time away. Who there's a tipping point, for whom there's a tipping point now where that inner work that they've done, the steps they've taken in trust of their calling, of their devotion, have tipped into a place where they are ready to come out. They are ready. The energy that they contain, that moves through them, the way that they've opened up themselves as that vessel, as that channel, the way that they've been able to come into their bodies, the way they've been able to come down to Earth, it's ready. It's ready to come through and things are changing. Things are moving for them. They are stepping out of that secluded, reclusive place or that hidden place, moving towards more action, towards more connection with people, towards putting themselves out there more, towards emergence. I'm noticing this theme, I'm noticing it in myself, I'm noticing it in my clients. To be fair, this is a theme I've always been working with, but there's a particular surge of this emerging right now. This is early mid February 2024. If you're listening to this at a later date, perhaps the wave is rising for you at a different timeline. But if you're noticing that too and your own timeline, I just invite you to notice that trust, that explore that Right now.

Speaker 1:

People who have gained the skills, the knowledge, the expertise, the connections in the most unlikely places and who have turned inwards, done that inner work, done that inner healing, done that, been on that journey of expanding their capacity and riding the waves of expansion and contraction, they're ready, they're like. There's this deep calling to come out, come out of hiding, come out of the desert, come out of the forest, come into where the people are and bring themselves as they are, who they are, their stories and their skills and knowledge and experiences, and that embodiment that they now carry to bring it into the places that they feel called to, which may be completely conventional looking and through which the messages may be very not woo-woo, but what they carry with them is so rich and so interconnected with the earth, with their body, with spirit, with the flow of something deeper that moves through all life, all earth, and is being moved, brought into the systems, not to directly change or work on these systems that keep us in these cycles of disconnect and overwhelm, but to actually bring it to the people directly who are in those systems and help support them despite those systems, as they too awaken and step on their journeys, deeper into their journeys, learn about other possibilities, other options. They are here to deliver. You know these people who are ready to come out and share themselves with the world, share their messages and their gifts with the world, share their stories with the world. I'm seeing that they have so much to give to help alleviate people's challenges. They're suffering their overwhelm, their disappointment, their fatigue, exhaustion, etc. All these things that are quite caused by this systemic you know oppression. I'll just name it that this systemic oppression that does not support a liveness in humans or the planet.

Speaker 1:

And yet there are these people who have found those hidden doorways through which there is more access to a liveness, despite the system, there is more access to working within one's capacity, despite a system that wants to extract more and more and more. There are people who have found these hidden pathways, hidden doors and corridors and gone down them and dove deep and flown high and come back to where they are right now with this new knowledge, new understanding and their embodied experience. That is in itself so medicinal, so beneficial. Just one's being and way of being in the world when they've been through this journey of shedding old skins, reweaving one's conscious mind with one's unconscious mind, so they can be on the same team, play together. This is such a gift and I know that in a world where there's so many systemic problems that are huge, that can't be solved or resolved by one person or even in one lifetime, there are.

Speaker 1:

We are still each living in each moment and have something to offer to other people who are living in this moment to help even shift, move or alleviate a little bit of that burden and experience more aliveness, experience less distress and more connection with what is possible, with what they found when they went through that door, that rabbit hole, that portal, went on that journey and what they've come back with to share and say, hey, I did this the hard way and it's you know, these journeys are never completely easy, but this can help, I can help, you know people, there's this wave of people and I think that probably every generation has this. It's not like, oh, unique, but the times we're in right now are unique. Well, the world's never been like this before, as it is right now, which is true for every moment, and that's what makes whatever we're experiencing right now and whatever we've learned, and however we can help people that's what makes it valuable right now is Because we are in this timeline, right here, right now and I feel like I'm rambling a little bit. I probably say that almost every episode, but it's because I'm just letting myself go and speak. What I'm noticing? I don't even know what. I didn't make bullets, I didn't plan, I just felt that, you know, had that noticing and said let's see what comes through. So, bringing it back down to the moment right now, that's what I'm noticing.

Speaker 1:

I'm noticing that there's this wave of people, the people who have, you know, traversed many landscapes, inner and outer, perhaps across decades, perhaps across many different careers I've gathered these skills have done the inner work and outer work, who have stories to share and who have skills to help others who don't need to carry so much burden or distress. They have the skills and the story and the calling and the gifts to offer to others so that they may experience more aliveness and perhaps don't have to take those decades and go to such great depths and be on that frontline of explorers to experience that. Because I do notice there are people who are those edge walkers, people who are walking, exploring, living on the edge of how consciousness is expanding in humanity and on this planet at any given time, and for those of us who are that it can feel like well, that's just how it is. But I just wanna say that's not everyone's experience and that's really valuable and what people like us bring, and if you're not that, that's no better or worse than just saying it's like you know, a rose versus a violet, different flowers, both beautiful People who are edge walkers versus people who aren't.

Speaker 1:

They are intrepid explorers who go into those unknown places and can have that gift and skill in calling to bring back what they've learned and experienced so that others who do not have that capacity or calling to do that may also benefit and have transformative experiences and have support to move towards more aliveness and have, you know, benefit from those experiences that the edge walkers have taken, have experienced and can now incorporate them into their lives in their own ways, in their own flavors, so that you know, say, if you're an edge walker and you've been doing this work in one way or another for decades and you now come, you know, you've been to these depths, into the depths of the darkness, of the shadows, into the heights of the expansiveness of cosmic energy that you are connected to, whatever it may look like or be for you, and you bring that back. Not everyone has the capacity to go to those places and not be completely broken and shattered in that same way. And the edge walkers, the people who come and explore these unknown territories, they have explored enough that they know enough of the lay of the land that it doesn't have to be so difficult or so challenging or so risky for the people who they can now guide through some of these territories to help them on their own journeys, to help them go through their own transformations, without having to take as big of a risk and untangle as big of knots as those who perhaps explored those realms first did. That's what teachers are, that's what guides are. Those are people who have been there, been through these things, and we all actually probably everyone has some element or edge of this, to different degrees and in different topics.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. That's something to explore, but this is what I'm noticing and I want to name it. I want to speak it out loud so that perhaps those of you listening, if you are one of those people who dives deep and flies high and has so much to give and has been on your own journey and feel now called to come out of hiding and share and guide others however, however you may be able to and feel called to, then perhaps maybe you're noticing that too and I'm curious to hear what's coming up for you. Thank you for listening. I'm really having fun playing with these, noticing episodes and just letting it come through as I am coming as I am, letting it be the messy middle and just trusting that, yeah, if you are one of those people who's feeling that and you feel like you could use some support, part of my edge walking has been exploring those realms of putting oneself out there and communicating the vastness and expansiveness and weirdness and difference, intangibility of what one has explored and experienced and discovered and has to offer and putting that into tangible stories and offers, content, podcasts, blogs, newsletters, writings.

Speaker 1:

To put oneself out there, to connect with those, to reach those to broadcast to those who resonate with that, to reach the people who you can guide, who you can help, whose lives can be changed by what you have to offer.

Speaker 1:

And what I do is both that know-how and the support at that deep level of the nervous system, helping one's nervous system navigate the intensity and the massiveness of bringing this forward in a way that can be done within one's capacity, within one's current ability, while also growing that capacity, if one wishes, growing one's ability to translate and communicate these experiences and stories and offerings and to have that ability to be seen and heard and connect and take that risk of putting oneself out there in a way that actually supports more aliveness in one's own body and in those who receive what you have to put out there. Hope that makes sense. If it doesn't and you have questions, you can hit me up always through my website, natalienet. You can contact me or hit reply to any of my email newsletters and you can book a session. Book a session to work with me through my website, natalienet. All right, let me know what came up for you if you would like, and thank you for listening.